Carlos the Mexidoodle #1
"Baby, It's Cold Inside"
January 6, 2014
Dear Friends and Family:
Well here we are in San Miguel de Allende, MX. Now I know that some of you, stuck in cold climates, are thinking "What lucky dogs" (pardon the pun). But...let me tell you about our situation. It isn't quite as perfect as you might think.
For you see, although the temperature this afternoon had supposedly hit 61 degrees ( in the sun), it's rapidly falling and is supposed to go down to 34 tonight. Do you have any idea what it's like to be in a cement casa, with no central heat, when it's 34 degrees? Now we do have one space heater, and it's situated right in front of my bed. So that helps a lot. But sitting downstairs in the evenings and early mornings, it's downright frigid. Mom takes care of me though. This is me this morning, bundled up in a blanket, on the couch, wearing my sweater. And Mom and Dad both had their jackets on. IS cold inside.

But that doesn't take away our enjoyment of being in San Miguel. Dad's been taking me for nice long walks every day, and we have a favorite place where we stop so he can throw the ball for me to chase. We're good for about 15 to 20 throws, then we're back on the trail again. Until we reach the duck pond, where we take a break and watch the duckies swim around. I love my Dad, and really appreciate our father/son time together. We weren't able to do much of that when the snow and ice hit in Leelanau County back home, and it's really a good thing for both of us. We think we might take something with us to feed to the ducks tomorrow.
Unfortunately Mom's not able to join us. She's developed a bad case of plantar fasciitis, and is out of commission as far as long walks go. At least for a while. Being basically homebound (which is unusual for Mom), she's become a real little "Maxwell House wife". Yesterday she made a delicious (or so I hear) gluten-free spaghetti, this morning she made grain free muffins, and right now our casa is permeating with the aroma of chicken baking and potatoes boiling. Although I don't get to eat any of it (I'm not fed from the table), I'm still proud of her efforts. Because these are 2 of the only "real meals" that she's ever prepared during the 7 years that she and Dad have come to San Miguel. Usually it's restaurants, carryouts or (last year) a personal chef who came in a couple of times a week. I wonder how long this will last. (She also prepared and froze 6 Kong treats, filled with peanut butter, yogurt, apple and cheerios, for me. I can hardly wait.)
I did have a bit of an unsettling experience this afternoon that I'd like to tell you about. I was sitting outside, in the enclosed courtyard outside our front door, trying to warm up with the sun. When suddenly a gust of wind blew the door shut with the biggest BANG I'd ever heard. Mom and Dad were so busy working on their computers that I guess they didn't realize I was outdoors. So there I was...stuck out there, all by myself, with a big door blocking me from them, and not knowing what to do. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before.
I tried making some noises to get their attention, but apparently the thick cement walls and heavy wooden door prevented them from hearing me. It seemed like I was out there forever, wondering why they weren't trying to find me.
Finally I let out the loudest bark I could muster. Mom threw open the door and quickly let me in, talking to me in baby talk (which I secretly love) and telling me how sorry she was that that had happened. It was good to be back in the casa, and I'll probably think twice before I venture into that courtyard again. Here's a photo of me out there with the door to the casa closed behind me. I graciously posed for it after that disturbing event.

So now here I sit, in the comfort of our casa, watching Dad work while Mom does finishing touches on their meal. I know I look like a pampered pooch and the truth is - I am. I'm definitely a lucky dog and I'm quite happy to be me.

Your furry friend,
Carlos the Mexidoodle
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