Friday, March 25, 2011

My First Spanish-written Story (2011 - March 25)

Dear Friends and Family:

As you may (or may not) know, I am currently in a Spanish class called "Storytelling". We've been studying both the preterite and copreterite verb conjugations, and now we're "off and running" with our stories (or at least trying, anyway). 

Following is the first story I wrote. It's entitled "Mi Primer Viaje", which translates to "My First Trip". If you're interested in the story but not interested in trying to read it in Spanish, please scroll down the page and you'll find it in English. But it's a simple story...maybe you could try to challenge yourself. It was quite a challenge...and achievement...for me.

Mi Primer Viaje

Yo tenía veintiocho años la primer vez que viajé in un avión.

Mi esposo y yo estaban ir a Jamaica con nuestros amigos, mientras nuestras padres estaban cuidando a nuestros niños.

El vuelo estaba muy turbulento, y yo tenía mieda. Mi amiga estaba tan molesta que ella vomitó en la bolsa para enfermo de avión. ¡El no estaba el foto bonito! Eramos felices cuando el avión finalmente aterrizó en Jamaica.

Jamaica era muy hermosa, y nuestros vacaciones eran maravillosos. El vuelo volver a Detroit estaba muy tranquilo. ¡Gracias a Dios!

My First Trip

I was 28 years old the first time I flew in an airplane.

My husband and I went to Jamaica with our friends, while our parents took care of the children.

The flight was very turbulent, and I was scared. My friend was so upset that she vomited in the airsick bag. It was not a pretty picture! We were happy when the airplane finally landed in Jamaica.

Jamaica was very beautiful and our vacations were marvelous. The flight home to Detroit was very calm. Thank God!!

As they say in my Spanish class:

"poco a poco" 
"little by little"

tu amiga, Judhit

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