Friday, March 25, 2011

"Those were the days, my friend" (2011 - March 25)

O.K. you guys. Following is the second story I've written in Spanish. Our teacher wanted us to write something about ourselves, so I titled it "About Me". Once again, I challenge you to see if you can translate it yourself, before you read the English version.  (Go Kathy, go!!!)

Acerca de Mi

Yo tenía diecinueve años, y estuve una secretaria en Detroit centro, cuando Ricardo y yo 

Estuve en un restaurante drive-in con mi amiga, bailando a la música de Motown, en el cofre de un coche cuando Ricardo manejó pasada. El pensó que estuve loca pero interesante, y pidió una amiga común a nos presentar. Pensé que estuvo muy guapo, y yo estaba impresionado que él estuvo en la universidad. Yo estuve muy contenta cuando él me pidió una fecha.

Quince meses despúes, Ricardo y yo casíamos. Por suerte, no sabíamos los dificiles retos delante. Pero...somos juntos despúes de casi cuarenta y cinco años, y todavia divertimos juntos. 

About Me

I was 19 years old and a secretary in downtown Detroit when Rick and I met.

I was at a drive in restaurant with my girlfriend, dancing to the Motown sound on the hood of a car, when Rick passed by. He thought that I was crazy, but he was interested...and asked a mutual friend to introduce us. I thought that he was very handsome, and I was impressed that he was in college. I was very happy when he asked me for a date.

15 months later, Rick and I were married. Luckily, we didn't know the difficult challenges that were ahead. But. we are still together after 45 years, and we still we have fun together.


"Those were the days my friend,
We thought they'd never end...
We'd sing and dance, forever and a day...
We'd live the life we'd choose, 
We'd fight and never lose..
Those were the days...oh yes those were the days!"

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy trying to read it first and laugh at some of my translations when I read the English version
